Lotus Domino script to log all scheduled server agents
List all scheduled agents that run on the current server (enabled and disabled)
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Option Public Option Declare Dim dbCur As NotesDatabase Sub Initialize Dim sn As New NotesSession Dim dbDir As NotesDbDirectory Dim db As NotesDatabase Dim agt As NotesAgent Dim varAgts Dim i As Integer Dim strMsg As String On Error GoTo ErrorHandler On Error 4060 GoTo NO_DB_ACCESS On Error 4063 GoTo NO_DB_OPEN On Error 4296 GoTo DATABASE_ALREADY_OPEN Set dbCur = sn.CurrentDatabase Call Logging (dbCur, "# Agent CheckSchedAgents started") Set dbDir = sn.GetDbDirectory(dbCur.Server) Set db = dbDir.GetFirstDatabase(DATABASE) Do Until db Is Nothing If Not db.IsOpen Then 'Open database first Call db.Open(dbCur.Server, db.FilePath) 'Results in error 4060 if No Access --> db.IsOpen = False End If If db.IsOpen Then Print "Checking " + db.FilePath + " for scheduled agents..." i = 0 Set varAgts = Nothing getDesignElements db, "AGENTS", varAgts, i If i <> 0 Then For i = 0 To UBound(varAgts) Set agt = db.GetAgent(varAgts(i)) If Not agt Is Nothing Then If agt.Trigger = TRIGGER_SCHEDULED Then If UCase(agt.ServerName) Like UCase(dbCur.Server) Then If agt.Isenabled Then Call Logging(dbCur, "# " + db.FilePath + " - Agent Name: " + agt.Name + " - Enabled") Else Call Logging(dbCur, "# " + db.FilePath + " - Agent Name: " + agt.Name + " - Disabled") End If End If End If End If Next End If Else Call Logging (dbCur, "# Database skipped. No access - " + db.Filepath) End If GoTo finally NO_DB_ACCESS: Call Logging(dbCur, "Error in Initialize for db: " + CStr(db.ReplicaID)) Resume finally NO_DB_OPEN: Call Logging(dbCur, "Error in Initialize for db: " + CStr(db.ReplicaID)) Resume finally DATABASE_ALREADY_OPEN: Resume Next finally: Set db = dbDir.Getnextdatabase() Loop TheEnd: Call Logging (dbCur, "# Agent CheckSchedAgents finished") Exit Sub ErrorHandler: Call Logging(dbCur, "Error in Initialize") Exit Sub End Sub Private Sub SelectDesignTypeCollection(nc As NotesNoteCollection, ByVal DocType As String, NotFound As Boolean) Select Case UCase(DocType) Case "ACTIONS" nc.SelectActions = True Case "AGENTS" nc.SelectAgents = True Case "DATABASESCRIPT" nc.SelectDatabaseScript = True Case "DATACONNECTIONS" nc.SelectDataConnections = True Case "FOLDERS" nc.SelectFolders = True Case "FORMS" nc.SelectForms = True Case "FRAMESETS" nc.SelectFramesets = True Case "HELPABOUT" nc.SelectHelpAbout = True Case "HELPINDEX" nc.SelectHelpIndex = True Case "HELPUSING" nc.SelectHelpUsing = True Case "ICON" nc.SelectIcon = True Case "IMAGERESOURCES" nc.SelectImageResources = True Case "FORMULA" nc.SelectionFormula = True Case "JAVARESOURCES" nc.SelectJavaResources = True Case "MISCCODEELEMENTS" nc.SelectMiscCodeElements = True Case "MISCFORMATELEMENTS" nc.SelectMiscFormatElements = True Case "INDEXELEMENTS" nc.SelectMiscIndexElements = True Case "NAVIGATORS" nc.SelectNavigators = True Case "OUTLINES" nc.SelectOutlines = True Case "PAGES" nc.SelectPages = True Case "REPLICATIONFORMULAS" nc.SelectReplicationFormulas = True Case "SCRIPTLIBRARIES" nc.SelectScriptLibraries = True Case "SHAREDFIELDS" nc.SelectSharedFields = True Case "STYLESHEETRESOURCES" nc.SelectStyleSheetResources = True Case "SUBFORMS" nc.SelectSubforms = True Case "VIEWS" nc.SelectViews = True Case Else NotFound = True End Select End Sub Function getHiddenProperty(doc As NotesDocument) As String If InStr(1, doc.GetItemValue("$Flags")(0), "n", 5) > 0 Then 'Hidden for Notes getHiddenProperty = " [W]" ElseIf InStr(1, doc.GetItemValue("$Flags")(0), "w", 5) > 0 Then 'Hidden for Web getHiddenProperty = " [N]" Else 'Both Notes and Web getHiddenProperty = "" End If End Function Sub getDesignElements(db As NotesDatabase, strDesignType As String, varAgts, i As Integer) 'here are some fields witch carrying the scripting text according to the design document Const fnScriptLib = "$ScriptLib" Const fnDBScript = "$DBScript" Const fnFormGlobalScript = "$Script" Const fnFormScript = "$$FormScript" Const fnViewGlobalScript = "$ViewGlobalScript" Const fnViewScript = "$ViewScript" Const fnAgentGlobalScript = "$AgentGlobalScript" Const fnAgentScript = "$AgentScript" On Error GoTo ErrorHandler Dim sn As New NotesSession Dim DocTypes(0) Dim DesignDocs() As NotesDocument Dim fns As Variant Dim ErrMsg As String Dim x As Long Dim strAgentName As String Dim varAgents() DocTypes(0) = strDesignType For x = LBound(DocTypes) To UBound(DocTypes) GoSub GetScriptFields If fns(0) = "" Then GoTo GetNextType If Not getDesignDocs(db, DocTypes(x), DesignDocs(), ErrMsg) Then GoTo GetNextType ForAll doc In DesignDocs strAgentName = doc.GetItemValue("$Title")(0) ReDim Preserve varAgents(i) varAgents(i) = strAgentName i = i + 1 End ForAll GetNextType: Next If i <> 0 Then varAgts = varAgents End If Exit Sub ErrorHandler: Dim dbCur As NotesDatabase Set dbCur = sn.CurrentDatabase Call Logging(dbCur, "Error in getDesignElements") Exit Sub '================================================== GetScriptFields: ReDim fns(0) Select Case DocTypes(x) Case "SCRIPTLIBRARIES" ReDim fns(0) fns(0) = fnScriptLib Case "DATABASESCRIPT" ReDim fns(0) fns(0) = fnDBScript Case "FORMS", "SUBFORMS", "PAGES" ReDim fns(0 To 1) fns(0) = fnFormGlobalScript fns(1) = fnFormScript Case "VIEWS" ReDim fns(0 To 1) fns(0) = fnViewGlobalScript fns(1) = fnViewScript Case "FOLDERS" ReDim fns(0 To 1) fns(0) = fnViewGlobalScript fns(1) = fnViewScript Case "AGENTS" ReDim fns(0 To 1) fns(0) = fnAgentGlobalScript fns(1) = fnAgentScript Case Else 'not supported End Select Return End Sub Sub Logging(dbCur As NotesDatabase, strErrDB As String) Dim docLog As NotesDocument Set docLog = dbCur.CreateDocument docLog.Form = "AgtLog" If Left(strErrDB, 1) <> "#" Then strErrDB = strErrDB & " at line " & Erl() & ": code = " & Err() & ", message= " & Error() End If Print strErrDB docLog.ErrorLog = strErrDB Call docLog.Save(True, False) End Sub Function getDesignDocs(db As NotesDatabase, ByVal DesignDocType As String, DesignDocs() As NotesDocument, ErrMsg As String) As Boolean Const LSI_THREAD_PROC = 1 Dim nc As NotesNoteCollection Dim notedoc As NotesDocument Dim nid As String Dim TypeNotFound As Boolean Dim msgNotFound As String Dim x As Long, y As Long msgNotFound = "No design documents found from type " & DesignDocType Set nc = db.CreateNoteCollection(False) Call SelectDesignTypeCollection(nc, DesignDocType, TypeNotFound) If TypeNotFound Then ErrMsg = msgNotFound Exit Function Else Call nc.BuildCollection End If nid = nc.GetFirstNoteId y = 0 ReDim DesignDocs(y) For x = 1 To nc.Count Set notedoc = db.GetDocumentByID(nid) If notedoc Is Nothing Then GoTo GetNextNote ReDim Preserve DesignDocs(y) Set DesignDocs(y) = notedoc y = y + 1 GetNextNote: nid = nc.GetNextNoteId(nid) Next If DesignDocs(0) Is Nothing Then ErrMsg = msgNotFound Else GetDesignDocs = True End If End Function |