We are specialized in IBM Notes Application Decommissioning
Our IBM Domino Notes Decommission Method
1. IBM Domino Server Scan & Analysis
Scan and Analyze your HCL Domino servers using our proven Notes Domino Decommission Method (‘NDDM’). Gain insight in the usage of your Notes databases. Easily find and communicate with the key Lotus Notes Notes database users. Assign archive and replace targets and close unused HCL Notes databases in batch. Read more here.
2. Export IBM Notes databases
Export any HCL IBM Lotus Notes database PDF or SharePoint Online, inclusive the views!
Migrate Notes database content to SQL for Notes app re platforming projects.
Bulk archiving many Notes databases to SharePoint with our Archive Factory solution.
3. Replace Active IBM Notes Teamroom apps
SharePoint substitute for all your standard Notes Teamrooms and Document libraries. Replace them with the Lialis SharePoint Online Teamroom based on Shareflex. Read more here.

Virbac, In our transition towards the Google collaboration platform we had a need to move data of a large number of historical Notes databases and QuicR Places. We choose to work with Lialis , an expert in both areas, to achieve this transition. Their Quickr Download solution allowed us to download all QuickR files to local disc from where we could easily import them into Google. Similarly, we used the Lialis Notes archive solution to archive 60 Notes databases to Google. The Lialis team was very cooperative and a pleasure to work with.
Ludovic Mora – IT Project Manager – Virbac

Continental, Lialis was our partner in archiving over 60 Lotus Notes applications to SharePoint Online. They worked with our team to develop a secure and efficient method for transferring data from Notes to create the archives on SharePoint Online. They were responsive to all our requests and helped us to complete the project in a timely manner with excellent results.
Sonoco, an internationally operating package solution company, approached Lialis to assist in the HCL Domino and Lotus Notes decommissioning because of our domain knowledge and methodology. After a detailed scan and analysis of the 16 Domino servers with our Domino server database scanner we assigned targets (Close – Archive – Replace). These targets were verified with the Sonoco databases owners and adjusted were needed. Thanks to this analysis we ware able to quickly close the majority of Notes databases with one mouse click using our Notes ACL close tool. 200 HCL Notes databases were archived to SharePoint Online with our Notes database archive solution keeping the original Notes structure. Eventually, 12 complex HCL Notes business applications remained. These were rebuilt on SharePoint Online using Shareflex after finetuning the design with the business users. Being able to guide Sonoco through the entire journey from analysis to a complete shut down of their Domino infra was challenging but extremely satisfying.
Yara, the global crop nutrition company, had a very scattered and diverse Domino estate consisting of a few thousand Notes databases. Their ultimate goal was to get rid of their Domino infra and conduct an end to end IBM Notes migration project. However, they had trouble identifying database usage and owners. We worked with Yara to break down the project in small steps and quick wins. Firstly we started scanning the environment using our Notes Domino scanner and analyzed the result. We gave Yara a clear insight in what Notes data was really important for the business. Subsequently, we assisted them in closing down unused databases and archiving data in read-only format to SharePoint Online with our Notes database archive solution. Finally we assisted the Yara project team with moving a number of active IBM Notes databases to alternative platforms. The multi-year project achieved its end objective; Domino no longer exisits in Yara.