Lotus Quickr Files Downloader

  • Post author:
  • Post published:December 24, 2020
  • Post category:Quickr

Lotus Quickr Files Downloader

 The Lialis Lotus Quickr file downloader is a Notes client based solution to download files from IBM Lotus Quickr Places to a local disk.

Migration of Quickr places can be daunting. We developed this Lotus Quickr file downloader (a Notes application) as a viable and affordable alternative to some of the available tools in the market. After the Quickr files have been downloaded to a local disk with our solution they can be easily uploaded into your target environment such as Office 365 Teams/SharePoint or any other destination which can be reached by tools already in place. The big advantage of this solution is that this tool does not need any installations on the IBM Domino Quickr server.


Download software evaluation version



Lotus Quickr files downloader:

    • Supports IBM Lotus Quickr for Domino (no support IBM Quickr running on WebSphere)
    • Runs IBM Notes client v8.5 or higher that may be installed on any computer system with HTTP(s) access to the Domino – or Quickr server.
    • Uses HTTP(s) protocol to download the files from Quickr to the local disk.
    • Requires a Lotus Quickr web account which has at least read access to the places where the files must be copied from
    • Requires a Notes ID to run the Notes client, this can be any Notes ID and this ID does not need to have rights to Quickr because a http web account is used to authenticate with Quickr which should have a least read access to everything in Quickr.
    • Can download IBM Lotus Quickr files from many Quickr locations. Please view the table below for the file locations this tool supports:
      Quickr location where files can be stored Supported by Lialis Quickr file downloader
      Quickr place home page attachments Yes
      Quickr place home page rich text Yes, converted to html file
      Quickr library upload file in root and in folders Yes
      Quickr library page attachments in root and in folders Yes
      Quickr library page rich text Yes, converted to html file
      Quickr library imported file in root and in folders Yes
      Quickr link in root and in folders No because it cannot store files in Quickr
      Quickr list in root and in folders Yes, only list items converted to folders
      Quickr forum attachments No
      Quickr Calendar attached files No
      Quickr task attachments No
      Quickr (sub) Room home page attachments Yes
      Quickr (sub) Room home page attachments rich text Yes, converted to html file
      Quickr (sub) Room forum topic attachments No
      Quickr (sub) Room upload attachments Yes
      Quickr (sub) Room Page attachments No
      Quickr (sub) Room list No because it cannot store files in Quickr
      Quickr (sub) Room Folder upload Yes
      Quickr (sub) Room Folder page attachments Yes
      Quickr (sub) Room Folder imported file Yes


Unzip the file and copy the Notes database QuickrReader.nsf to your Notes client data folder. You may also place the QuickrReader.nsf on any Domino server, sign it and set the ACL as you like. Open the QuickrReader.nsf.

The license key can be found in a text file included in the download zip package for the unlimited version.

Input the license key by clicking the License link in the left navigator.

For evaluation the license may be empty, but only one Quickr Place can be selected to be downloaded and it cannot be changed afterwards. 

A dialog window will appear in which you can add the license:

Next you configure the solution settings. 


The http account should have read access to everything in Quickr.

Only use the translation part if your Quickr server is running another language then English. For example the French translation to be used. 

Once the configuration is done save and close it.

The next step is to initialize the places. 


\r\n Subsequently you select which Quickr Places you wish to download and start the process. \r\n

And start the download to the local disk

The screenshot shows the migrated folders.

At the end of each download operation we add below 2 files to the download directory of each Quickr Place.

The filelist.csv contains a report of the files found in Quickr and the files downloaded to the local disk in order to find download problems 

The members.csv contains a listing of all Quickr members and their role.


To demonstrate the download speed of the Lotus Quickr files downloader we have used the following test setup.

A Lotus Quickr server running on a Lotus Domino Windows server which is located in the Amazon cloud in Frankfurt Germany. The performance of this windows server is indicated in the image below. 

The Quickr Place used in this test has a size of 3800 MB and it holds 8036 Notes documents which equals to 7358 files with a total size of 3300 MB in the range of 1 KB to 10 MB. 

The complete Quickr Place is downloaded to another Windows server located in the same Amazon cloud in Frankfurt Germany.

The download time needed to download the 3320 MB was 18 minutes.

This equals to a download speed of 184 MB per minute.



Number of IBM Quickr Places to be downloaded Price of the software
1 – 99 € 3.000
100 or more Please contact sales@lialis.com for a quote