IBM Domino Database Scanner & Analysis Tool

Completely Automated and Blistering Fast

NDDM – Notes Domino Application Scan and Analysis Solution

NDDM, short for ‘Notes Domino Decommissioning Method’, has been designed to help you understand the scope and magnitude of your IBM Domino database scan an migration project. We optimized NDDM database scanner during many Domino decommission projects we conducted over the past decade. Some highlights of NDDM are:

    • Years of Notes IBM Domino database and application scanning experience incorporated
    • Fully Automated Scan and Analysis 
    • Catered for large Domino Environments
    • Automatic placement of all Notes databases in buckets:
        1. Replace – Notes database is actively in use (content modified)
        2. Archive – Notes database content not modified, only read
        3. Delete – Notes database is not used at all
    • Extra functions
        1. Send out Questionnaire emails to top 5 users for example
        2. Notes application ACL close/read-only
        3. Notes application design string scan
        4. Determine Notes db for author and reader fields details
        5. Determine top 5 users in past x months to be used in the NDDM email survey tool
        6. Integrated with Pipeliner for batch Notes db archiving to SharePoint


Lialis NDDM will result in a reduced replace and archive scope – hence saving cost

The Fundamentals of the IBM Domino database scanner

The image below shows how NDDM scans the Notes Domino application server to gain IBM Notes Domino application insights.
For accurate Domino server migration scan results its important to exclude all non end users from the Notes database User Activity scan.

IBM Domino Database Scanner user activity scan


Analyzing the HCL Notes database scan details

The IBM Domino Scanner and Notes database User Activity and Content Scan will generate a lot of details. The final step is an automated analysis by NDDM based on algorithms of the User Activity and Content resulting in a very accurate advise on how the Notes database is really used. In other words the advised decommission Target (‘Replace’, ‘Delete’ or ‘Archive’).

IBM Domino Database Scanner target calculation