Lotus Domino script snippet export any Notes view to Excel
This piece of LotusScript can export any Notes view to Excel.
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Option Public Option Declare ' Excel Contants ' Excel Class XlSortOrder Const xlAscending = 1 Const xlDescending = 2 %REM ' Excel Class XlSortType (Pivot only) Const xlSortValues = 1 Const xlSortLabels = 2 %END REM ' Excel Class XlYesNoGuess (Header) Const xlGuess = 0 Const xlYes = 1 Const xlNo = 2 ' Excel Class Constants Const xlTopToBottom = 1 Const xlLeftToRight = 2 ' Excel Class XlSortOrientation ' Don't use this! Probably wrong. Use xlTopToBottom ' and xlLeftToRight defined in Excel Class Constants. ' Even Excel 2002 (Office XP) uses xlTopToBottom and ' xlLeftToRight in recorded macros. Const xlSortColumns = 1 Const xlSortRows = 2 ' Excel Class XlSortMethod Const xlPinYin = 1 Const xlStroke = 2 ' Excel Class XlSortDataOption Const xlSortNormal = 0 Const xlSortTextAsNumbers = 1 Sub Initialize Dim workspace As NotesUIWorkspace Dim uiview As NotesUIView Dim view As NotesView Dim column As NotesViewColumn Dim viewentries As NotesViewEntryCollection Dim viewnav As NotesViewNavigator Dim viewentry As NotesViewEntry Dim session As NotesSession Dim db As NotesDatabase Dim dc As NotesDocumentCollection Dim doc As NotesDocument Dim askme As Integer Dim entryvalues As Variant, handle As Variant, wbook As Variant, wsheet As Variant, viewcolumns As Variant Dim currententry As String, currentprocess As String, viewname As String, filename As String Dim columnheadings As String, columnvalues As String, columntitle As String Dim counter As Integer, x As Integer, y As Integer ,slashpos As Integer, spacepos As Integer Dim hyphenpos As Integer, filenum As Integer, mycounter As Integer, commapos As Integer On Error GoTo processerror 'set objects currentprocess = "setting objects" Set session = New NotesSession Set db = session.CurrentDatabase Set workspace = New NotesUIWorkspace Set uiview = workspace.CurrentView Set view = uiview.View 'Set view = db.GetView("Export") Call view.Resortview("Company") 'NEW Dim vwLU As NotesView Set vwLU = db.GetView("Export") Set viewnav = vwLU.Createviewnav() 'Set viewnav = view.CreateViewNav() %REM askme = workspace.Prompt(PROMPT_YESNO, "Sorted Columns", "Please make sure that no column is sorted before exporting to Excel" & Chr(13) _ & "Do you want to continue the export?") If askme <> 1 Then Print "Export aborted" Exit Sub End If %END REM 'get the current view's name and replace all backslashes with a hyphen currentprocess = "getting the view name and replacing backslashes with hyphens" viewname = view.Name slashpos = InStr(viewname, "\") If slashpos > 0 Then Do While slashpos > 0 Mid(viewname, slashpos) = "-" slashpos = InStr(viewname, "\") Loop End If 'now replace all forward slashes with a hyphen currentprocess = "replacing all forward slashes in the view name with hyphens" slashpos = InStr(viewname, "/") If slashpos > 0 Then Do While slashpos > 0 Mid(viewname, slashpos) = "-" slashpos = InStr(viewname, "/") Loop End If 'reduce view name to a maximum of 31 characters but keep whole words only (cut at first space or hyphen encountered) currentprocess = "truncating the view name to 31 characters (whole words only)" If Len(viewname) > 31 Then viewname = Right(viewname, 31) spacepos = InStr(viewname, " ") hyphenpos = InStr(viewname, "-") If spacepos < hyphenpos Then viewname = Right(viewname, Len(viewname) - spacepos) Else viewname = Right(viewname, Len(viewname) - hyphenpos) End If End If 'collect the selected documents currentprocess = "collecting the selected documents" Set dc = db.UnprocessedDocuments 'check that documents have been selected at all currentprocess = "checking that documents were selected at all" If dc.count = 0 Then Msgbox "You must select the documents you wish to export. Press CTRL+A to select all documents", 0 + 48, "Error !" Exit Sub End If 'if documents have been selected create text file currentprocess = "creating a text file for output" filenum = Freefile() filename = "c:\temp\" & viewname & ".xls" Open filename For Output As filenum 'create header row in text file currentprocess = "recreating the column names as header in the text file" 'viewcolumns = view.Columns viewcolumns = vwLU.Columns Set column = viewcolumns(Lbound(viewcolumns)) columnheadings = column.Title For x = (Lbound(viewcolumns) + 1) To Ubound(viewcolumns) Set column = viewcolumns(x) columnheadings = columnheadings & " " & column.Title Next Print #filenum, columnheadings 'access each selected document in turn currentprocess = "starting to process each document in turn" Set doc = dc.GetFirstDocument mycounter = 0 counter = 1 Do counter = counter + 1 currentprocess = "accessing the view entry corresponding to the current document" 'get the view entry corresponding to the current selected document Set viewentry = viewnav.GetEntry(doc) If viewentry Is Nothing Then Print #filenum, "Document ID " & doc.UniversalID & _ " appears under multiple categories. Unable to export, please transfer the data manually." Else 'Redim entryvalues(0) entryvalues = viewentry.ColumnValues If Isarray(entryvalues) Then currentprocess = "creating each column value in its respective cell" 'create each column value in its respective cell columnvalues = entryvalues(Lbound(entryvalues)) For y = (Lbound(entryvalues)+1) To UBound(entryvalues) currentprocess = "replacing any comma in the entry with a semicolon" 'seek and replace commas in entry currententry = entryvalues(y) commapos = Instr(currententry, ",") If commapos > 0 Then Do While commapos > 0 Mid(currententry, commapos) = ";" commapos = InStr(currententry, ",") Loop entryvalues(y) = currententry End If columnvalues = columnvalues & " " & entryvalues(y) Next currentprocess = "writing the current view entry to the file" Print #filenum, columnvalues End If End If 'reporting how many documents of how many in total have been exported so far currentprocess = "reporting progress in status bar" mycounter = mycounter + 1 Print "Exporting " & CStr(mycounter) & "/" & dc.Count & " documents." currentprocess = "accessing the next selected document in the list" 'get the next selected document Set doc = dc.GetNextDocument(doc) Loop Until (doc Is Nothing) currentprocess = "closing the file" Close filenum 'create Excel sheet currentprocess = "creating an Excel spreadsheet" Set handle = CreateObject("Excel.Application") handle.visible = False Set wbook = handle.Workbooks.Open(filename) Set wsheet = handle.Application.Workbooks(1).Worksheets(1) 'format spreadsheet currentprocess = "formatting the spreadsheet" wsheet.Name = viewname wsheet.Cells.Font.Size = 8 wsheet.Rows("1:1").Select wsheet.Rows("1:1").AutoFilter wsheet.Rows("1:1").Font.Bold = True wsheet.Rows("1:1").RowHeight = 18 wsheet.Cells.EntireColumn.Autofit 'return to cell A2 for tidyness wsheet.Range("A2").Select handle.Activewindow.FreezePanes = 1 'NEW 'SORTING... Call wsheet.Cells.Select Call handle.Selection.Sort(wsheet.Range("A1"), xlAscending, Null, Null, Null, Null, Null, xlYes, 1, False, xlTopToBottom, xlPinYin, xlSortNormal, xlSortNormal, xlSortNormal) wsheet.Range("A1").Select 'Call wbook.save(True) handle.displayAlerts = False Call wbook.SaveAs(filename, -4143, "", "", False, False) handle.displayAlerts = True handle.Visible = True 'handle.quit Set handle = Nothing ' free up the memory currentprocess = "terminating the export job" Exit Sub processerror: If Err = 208 Then MsgBox "It appears you do not have Microsoft Excel on your computer. " & _ "Although they won't be displayed on screen the exported data are still available " & _ "in " & filename, 0 + 64, "Warning !" Else MsgBox "Error " & Err & " occurred whilst " & currentprocess & ", line " & Erl & ", execution aborted.", 0 + 48, "Error !" End If Exit Sub End Sub |